Free Consultation

  • Monterey County Residents: (831) 350-6999
    Out of State New Patients: (855) 940-6999
    New Patients From Abroad: (831) 350-6789
  • 17 E. San Joaquin St.
    Salinas, CA 93901

Dr. Edward Lee

Doctor of Chiropractic

Salinas Chiropractor

Dr. Edward Lee is originally from Los Angeles, CA. He graduated from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Science in Human Physiology. He then attended the University of Western States in Portland Oregon to get his Doctor of Chiropractic degree. He is passionate and experienced in guiding patients through their healing processes. Dr. Lee has participated in serving patients in underserved communities on a philanthropic bases and brings empathy to serve a diverse group of patients with unique needs and conditions. He is especially keen on utilizing multitude of scientific healthcare research to provide the most appropriate care for the spine and central nervous system. In addition to outdoor hikes with his dog coffee, he enjoys coaching corrective exercises and movement optimization strategies.

  Stop Suffering From Pain And Discomfort.